Science Operations Announcements

Observing databases offline Dec 6

December 5th, 2016

The Gemini observing databases will be offline for several hours on Tuesday December 6 while we perform software updates.

During this time the following services will be unavailable:

  • Observing Tool synchronizations, file transfers, and non-sidereal target queries
  • Phase I Tool guide star probability queries

The new 2017A Observing Tool should be available on Wednesday December 7 and will be required to access the observing databases.

Please check this site for further announcements.

Gemini data reduction software on MacOS 10.12 (Sierra)

October 20th, 2016

We currently anticipate completing integration and testing of our data reduction software with AstroConda in November this year. In the meantime, our recommended platform is still Ureka 1.5.1 or 1.5.2. Since Ureka has undergone very minimal testing on the new MacOS 10.12 and will not be developed further, we encourage Apple users to wait for our upcoming AstroConda version before using 10.12 for running Gemini IRAF.

Gemini North Shutdown Complete

September 1st, 2016

We are happy to announce that the Gemini North shutdown to repair the failed dome drive finished earlier than planned and we started the on-sky checks on August 29. General post-shutdown system checks have been completed. Instrument checkouts are also required because of maintenance work done in parallel with the repair. These are being executed as tropical storms and hurricanes permit. Currently only GNIRS is ready for science use.
