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Classical Schedule : Semester 2004B (rev 1)

The table below summarises the classically-scheduled programs that have been awarded time on Gemini North and South. Jump directly to the schedule for:

Each program has been assigned a Gemini Contact Scientist (CS) who is the point of contact between the Observatory and the Principal Investigator. Instructions for Gemini North visiting observers and (to be added) Gemini South visiting observers are available.

The columns in the table for Gemini North are:
Date: Scheduled observing night(s).
Allocated programs: Gemini reference number (note that this is different from any internal National TAC reference number) and Principal Investigator for scheduled program. Click on the reference number to see the proposal abstract (if available).
Instrument: name of the instrument(s).
Title: the title of the program.

A list of the support staff (Gemini Contact Scientists and National Office staff) for each program is available.

Schedule : Gemini North 2004A
Date Allocated Program(s) Instrument Title(s)
 We Aug 18  GN-2004B-C-3 (Welch) GMOS North The Evolving Role of Type II Supernovae Dust Formation over Cosmological Timescales
 Th   19 -"- -"- -"-
 Fr   20 -"- -"- -"-
 We Oct 27  GN-2004B-C-5 (Merline) NIRI+Altair Search for Asteroidal Satellites using Adaptive Optics
 Th   28 -"- -"- -"-
 Fr   29 -"- -"- -"-
 Tu Nov 16  GN-2004B-C-4 (Hennawi) GMOS North Cosmological Constraints from Ly(alpha) Forest Absorption Spectra of Close Quasar Pairs 
 We   17 -"- -"- -"-
 Th   18 -"- -"- -"-
 Fr Dec 17  GN-2004B-C-1 (Smartt) NIRI NIR imaging of late-type galaxies to identify progenitors of future core-collapse supernovae
 Sa   18 -"- -"- -"-
 Su   19 -"- -"- -"-
 Mo Dec 27  GN-2004B-C-2 (Owen) NIRI Identifying compounds on Hyperion and the dark side of Iapetus 
 Tu   28 -"- -"- -"-


The columns in the table for Gemini South are:
Date: Scheduled observing night(s).
Allocated programs: Gemini reference number (note that this is different from any internal National TAC reference number) and Principal Investigator for scheduled program. Click on the reference number to see the proposal abstract (if available).
Instrument: name of the instrument(s).
Title: the title of the program.

A list of the support staff (Gemini Contact Scientists and National Office staff) for each program is available.

Schedule : Gemini South 2004B
Date Allocated Program(s) Instrument Title(s)
 Su Oct 10  GS-2004B-C-1 (Bremer) GMOS South Redshifts for the most distant galaxies in the GOODS CDF-S field
 Mo   11 -"- -"- -"-
 Tu   12 -"- -"- -"-
 We   13 -"- -"- -"-
 Th   14 -"- -"- -"-
 Fr   15 -"- -"- -"-
 Sa   16 -"- -"- -"-
Date Allocated Program(s) Instrument Title(s)
 Su Dec 19  GS-2004B-C-2 (Ftaclas) Hokupa'a 85 Hokupa'a 85 - Galactic
 Mo   20 -"- -"- -"-
 Tu   21 -"- -"- -"-
 We   22 -"- -"- -"-
 Th   23 -"- -"- -"-


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Revision history:

Last update June 15, 2004; Phil Puxley and Jean-Rene Roy