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Data Reduction

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Data Format

IGRINS-2 data are stored in Multi-Extension FITS format (MEF) files, following the Gemini Standard data format. Each raw data consists of 5 MEF files, with a primary header unit (PHU):

  • Extension 0: Primary header
  • Extension 1: H-band header and data
  • Extension 2: K-band header and data
  • Extension 3: Compressed SVC images of the field in a cube
  • Extension 4: Non-compressed, cut-out SVC images of the slit region in a cube
  • Extension 5: Binary table containing the full headers of the SVC data in Extension 3

Data Reduction

IGRINS-2 data reduction will be handled by a custom IGRINS Pipeline Package (PLP), specifically designed for processing IGRINS-2 data. The pipeline will be integrated into Gemini's DRAGONS plaform in the future and made publicly available. Until then, IGRINS-2 data will be processed by the instrument team, and the reduced data will be accessible via the Gemini Observatory Archive within 4 weeks after observation. For inquiries or support regarding data reduction, please contact

Data Reduction | Gemini Observatory


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