from gempy.library import astromodels as am import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt def reduceScience(p): tweak_args = (p.user_params.pop("center", None),) p.prepare() p.addDQ() p.addVAR(read_noise=True) p.overscanCorrect() p.biasCorrect() p.ADUToElectrons() p.addVAR(poisson_noise=True) p.attachWavelengthSolution() p.flatCorrect() p.QECorrect() p.flagCosmicRays() p.distortionCorrect() p.findApertures() tweak_wavelength_solution(p.streams['main'], *tweak_args) p.skyCorrectFromSlit() p.adjustWCSToReference() p.resampleToCommonFrame(conserve=True) p.scaleCountsToReference() p.stackFrames() p.findApertures() p.traceApertures() p.storeProcessedScience(suffix="_2D") p.extractSpectra() p.fluxCalibrate() p.storeProcessedScience(suffix="_1D") def tweak_wavelength_solution(adinputs, sky_row=None, r=1800): """ Modify in-place the wavelength solution ("WAVE" model) of a mosaicked AstroDataGmos object with a user wavelength offset determined from a graphical comparison with a list of night-sky lines. Parameters ---------- sky_row: int/None row to extract for sky spectrum (None => middle row) r: float resolving power to which to smooth the model sky spectrum """ plt.ion() wsky, fsky = np.loadtxt("uves_sky.dat").T wsky *= 0.1 init_shift = 0 for ad in adinputs: if sky_row is None: sky_row = ad[0].shape[0] // 2 else: sky_row = int(sky_row) data =[0].data[sky_row], ad[0].mask[sky_row]) wave_model = am.get_named_submodel(ad[0].wcs.forward_transform, "WAVE") new_shift = 1 while new_shift != 0: w = wave_model(np.arange(data.size)) + init_shift sky_model = np.sum([fs * np.exp(-0.5*((w-ws)/(ws/(r*2.35)))**2) for ws, fs in zip(wsky, fsky)], axis=0) sky_model *= data.max() / sky_model.max() fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(w, data, 'k-') ax.plot(w, sky_model, 'b-') ax.set_title(ad.filename) while True: new_shift = input("Enter wavelength shift (blue peak minus " "black peak): ") try: new_shift = float(new_shift) except ValueError: if new_shift == "": new_shift = 0 break else: break init_shift += new_shift plt.close(fig) wave_model.c0 += init_shift wave_model.inverse.domain = tuple(x + init_shift for x in wave_model.inverse.domain)